Set up Financials
Set up bank accounts and transactions to use Passare's financial features.
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Roles and permissions
To use Financials, you'll need to be assigned the appropriate permissions.
Under Admin > Organization > Roles, choose the role from the menu or create a new role.
The role will need access to:
- Admin > Financials
- System > Financials (Account tracking, and Add bank transactions are optional)
- System > Check Writing (Create, Print, and Void are optional)
Account setup
Account tracking, Check writing, and Batch deposit features all require bank accounts information.
First, check that your Bank account appears on Admin > Financials > Banks.
If your bank account is not listed, select Add new bank
Fill out the bank account information. If you plan to write checks from this account, be sure to include Account name, Routing number, and Bank account number.
Click Save.
Repeat these steps for any bank accounts you plan to track, write checks from, or deposit into.
Account tracking
The Account tracking feature allows you to view and manage bank balances.
To enable this, go to Admin > Financials > Banks.
Expand the Bank account you want to track the balance for and select the Account tracking tab.
Enter beginning balance and click Add.
Account Tracking is now turned on for this account. Repeat for any account you wish to track.
The Current Opening Balance transaction cannot be exported via accounting exports.
Be sure to tie the bank account to your Checkbook and Batch deposit so Passare can track this activity, too.
Account access
You can choose which users can view activity in the Account tracking feature.
Under Admin > Financials > Banks, expand the Bank account and select the Account access tab.
Any user you've given any Financials roles and permissions will appear in the list.
Use the checkboxes to indicate which users can View Account or View Balance.
If you remove their account access, they won't see that account listed under Check Writing, Accounts, or Batch Deposits.
If you give them account access and remove balance access, they'll still be able to add Checks, Transactions, and Deposits. They just won't see the balance.
Repeat for each bank account.
Tie a bank account to check writing
In order to write checks from Passare, you will need to set up a Checkbook.
Go to Admin > Financials > Checks.
Select Add checkbook.
Choose the GL account and enter the Checkbook name. Use the radio buttons below to select your check printing preferences.
If a user should be notified for requested checks, you can indicate that below.
Click Save.
Next, you'll want to add the Bank Account to Batch Deposits.
Tie a bank account to batch deposits
To generate Batch deposits, you will first need to tie a bank account to the transaction.
Go to Admin > Financials > Deposit.
Under Batch deposit transactions, select Add transaction
Add in Name, Debit Account (Bank), and Credit Account. Credit account is typically Accounts Receivable or Undeposited Funds.
Click Save.
The Account tracking feature logs Check writing and Batch deposit activity. If you would like to track additional transactions, you can create custom Bank transactions.
Go to Admin > Financials > Banks.
Click the bank name to expand, and select the Account tracking tab.
Select Add bank transaction.
Note: Account tracking balance must be entered before you can create bank transactions.
Fill out the Transaction Name, Debit Account and Credit Account. Save.
Either the Debit Account or Credit Account must be the bank account.
Your list of bank transactions will now appear under the Add Transaction dropdown.
Need More Information?:
- Set Up Check Writing Preferences
- Getting started with Financials: Accounts 🎬
- Getting Started with Financials: Check Writing 🎬
- Reporting & Accounting for Check Writing
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