How to Use Check Writing

Getting Started with Financials: Check Writing

Need a check for flowers? Utilize Passare's Check Writing feature to write a check directly within a case. Or write one check for multiple cases!

The Check Writing feature allows you to choose line items from a contract and assign them to a check, print a check, and keep a digital check register.

There are two ways to write checks in Passare: via the Check Writing page or Goods & Services page. 

From the Check Writing Page:

Access the Check Writing page by going to System > Financials > Check Writing.

Check Writing page


From this page, you can Create a check, Print a Check, Void a Check, and Print a Register.

 Let's start with Creating a Check (We'll cover the other three when we get to the Goods & Services Page).

Create a Check:

When you select Create Check, you have two options: 

  • Create a Non-Case Related Check, or
  • Create a Case Related Check

Create Check button drop-down


Keep in mind the Non-Case Related Check is not tied to a specific case!

Option 1: Create Non-Case Related Check. Fill out the check information and Save.

Once a check is Saved, it will have a Check Not Printed icon next to it.

For a check to impact the Current Balance on the Accounts Page, the check has to be Printed.

Option 2Create a Case Related Check.

The Case Related Check option allows you to write one check for a vendor and tie it to multiple cases or one check for multiple items on a contract!

There are two fields that will look a little different from the Non-Case Related Check:

  • The Amount field will be grayed out and will populate as items from cases are selected.
  • There will be an Add Contract Item button that allows you to add case related items.

Add Contract item


Add Branch, Bank Account and Check Transaction.

Fill in the Payee, Check # and Date.

Select the Add Contract Item.

Search a Case by Case Number or Decedent Name.

Add Contract Items to Check pop-up


Check the boxes for specific cases that you want added to the check.

Once you've added the items from one case, search the next case, and repeat the above steps. Continue these steps until you've included all items you want on the check.

Select Add to Check.

Add Contract Items to Check gif


Case Related checks will all have one Location and one Bank account and will be all tied to one Check Transaction.

Once back on the Check Writing screen, the check will be populated with the amount, you'll see a table with all cases tied to that particular check.

From here Save and continue to Print the Check.

Once a check is printed, individual items from the table cannot be deleted!

Check Writing screen

From the Goods & Services Page:

Within a case, add Goods & Services to the contract.

Goods and Services


Select Yes to sign the contract (the Goods & Services page must be signed in order to request a check). Then Save the Goods & Services page.

Sign Contract


A checkbox for a Check will appear. Select the checkbox to add a check.

The Choose payee model will appear. Choose the payee from the drop-down or use the blue plus sign to add a new payee.

Select Create check or Request check, depending on your permissions.

Choose payee pop-up


Once you Create the check, you can Edit Checks, which will link you directly to the Check Writing page. 


Edit Checks link

NOTE:  The Edit Checks link will only be visible if a check was created on the Goods & Services page and you have access to the Check Writing page.

From the Check Writing page, you can Print the check(s) immediately or Save and come back later.

A status of Not Printed will help identify checks that need attention at a later time.

Looking for something specific? Filter Checks to refine your search.

If your permission requires you to Request Checks, a notification will be sent to the user required to approve checks.

Status icon

Print a Check:

To print a check, select Print.

Have multiple checks to print?Check the boxes to the left of each check and select Print Checks.

Print Checks button


Once a check is printed, information on the check cannot be edited, but the check can be reprinted.

You can Edit individual checks or multiple checks at once using the same process as above as long as the checks have not been printed.

If the checks printed are associated with a bank that has Bank Balances turned on, you'll see the check activity under System > Financials > Accounts page.

Check Transactions cannot be edited from the Bank Accounts table.

Void a Check:

Voiding a check or multiple checks will change the status to Void and keep a record of the check in the history.

Voided checks cannot be edited, and the check number assigned to the voided check cannot be reused.

status icon for void check

Print a Check Register:

Check Register can be printed by selecting multiple checks and Print Register.

Print Register button



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