Family and friends page

Add family & friends connected to each case. This information can also be used to auto-populate on documents, the obituary, and aftercare or pre-need follow-up.

Add family and friends

To add someone, select Add Family/Friend and select Person, Business, or Organization from the drop-down.

Add family/friend page, highlighting entry type


Fill in the required information:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Relationship to Decedent

Fill in more details by selecting Additional Information.

Here, you can add address and contact information.

Select additional information to add more


You can also choose to send this person a Planning Center Invitation by checking the Send Planning Center Invite.

Be sure to select the family's Planning Center role.

🤔 What are Planning Center roles? These determine what permissions family members have in the Planning Center. Learn more by clicking on the informational link.

When you're all done, select Add Family/Friend.


Copy family and friends

You can also copy a family or friend from another case.  First, use the search bar to find the case.

Use the search bar to search a case and copy family/friends


When you select the case, you will be taken to a modal.

Select which family or friend(s) you want copied to the case, and update relationship and role.

Select which family/friend(s) to copy over and add the relationship and role

Then, click Copy.

Copy family & friends


The copied acquaintance will now be listed with the relationship and role you selected.

To reference the case it came from, simply hover over the icon.

Copied family/friend will appear, with information icon to show case it was copied from


Edit family and friends

If you need to edit or fill in information at a later time, select the name of the person you'd like to edit.

Select name of person you want to edit


A pop-up window will appear where you can add or edit any additional information.

When you're done, be sure to Save.

Edit details of family or friend


If you'd like to add them to the primary list, select the ribbon next to the person's name.

The primary list typically includes Next of Kin, Informant, Husband, Wife, et.

Removing name from primary list


Next, see Completing the Funeral Options Page.


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