Edit Service Types

Customize Service Types, also known as Events, that appear on the Funeral Options Page.

    Add a Service:

    Go to AdminServices.

    Services in Admin drop-down


    Select Add a Service.

    Add a Service button


    A Services/New box will appear. 

    In this section, be sure to include the Name, Event Type, and Description. (Name and Event  are required to create an event.)

    Make sure to check the box Include this service in the Daily Schedule of Services Report.

    In addition, tailor the service even more by selecting if the service is associated with a specific faith and other service details such as if embalming is needed. 

    Basic Service Information fields


    Scroll down to Service Options.

    Select whether the event is Private or Public, the average Duration, Providers and Venue Options.

    The categories you select for Providers and Venue Options will ensure that people and places are available to select when creating a service in a case!

    Service Options section


    Once you've made your selections, be sure to Save!

    Edit a Service:

    From the Find Services section, select the service that you'd like to edit.

    Make the desired changes and Save!

    Find Services section

    Delete a Service:

    Services can be deleted from the Find Services section by selecting the Trash Can to the far right.

    Trash can icon to delete a service



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