Create a case

Add cases to Passare by case type

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Create a Case

To create a case, select Create at the top of your screen.

Then select the Case type:  At-need, Pre-need, Imminent need, Trade, Cash sale, Pet.

Note:  Don't see a case type?  Check with your administrator.  Your organization may not have that case type or your user role may not have that type turned on.

For any case type, the First and Last name are required fields.

Select Create.

From here let's look at the different case types.


Pre-Need Basics, Vital Statistics, Family & Friends, and Veterans Information are the areas most used to capture Pre-need data.

You can add items to Goods & Services.

Note:  Do not sign the Goods & Services for pre-need cases.  If you sign, the information will appear on your accounting reports.

When it's time, convert to at-need in the Case Information sidebar.

See how here.


Create an Imminent-need case to guide families through the hospice journey or when families are inquiring about prices.

Once a case is created, create Reminders for follow-up, and add Case tags for reporting.

Case tags screenshot 

You can add things such as Funeral options and Family & Friends.

NoteInvite families to the Planning Center to help them navigate the hospice journey and get started on some details ahead of time.

Convert the case to At-need on the Case Information sidebar.

See how here.

Cash sale

Create a Cash sale to track items that happen after the contract is signed, such as requests for extra death certificates.

Complete Buyer's first and last name, then use the Case references to tie the item(s) and payment(s) to the original At-need case.

Complete buyers first and last name and use the drop-down box to choose a case this cash sale should reference. Hit create button when done filling out the modal

Note:  Case references will not appear until you select Create.

Add item(s) to the Goods & Services.

Sign the Goods & Services and Save.

Enter the payment on the Payments & Adjustments page.

Note:  The payment will go to accounting as its own transaction instead of an adjustment.

Trade case

Create trade cases to keep track of trade work, including embalming, removals, and cremations.

Under the Case Options section, select the Trade business from the drop-down.

Note:  Don't see the trade business?  Add a Rolodex entry.  

Add Goods & Services if your funeral home is the one providing the trade services.

Sign the Goods & Services.

The Payments & Adjustments will be similar to At-need cases, except the funeral home (or trade business) will be the Purchaser.

Don't see the funeral home or trade business in the Purchaser drop-down?

Go to Admin > Rolodex > Search for the Trade Business

Check the box for Purchaser/Payer under Basic Information and Save.

Purchaser_Payer check box screenshot

The business will appear in the drop-down.

Pet Case

Select a Pet business if the case is associated with a veterinary clinic.

NoteDon't see the business?  Add a Rolodex entry.  

If an individual owner brought in the pet rather than a business, select Add Owner to add their information.

Add items to the Goods & Services and Sign.

Note:  Only want pet items to show on your pet branch?  Give us a call and we'll set that up for you.

Under Standard forms on the right of your screen, you'll see Pet Invoices and Pet Owner Invoices.

Send Pet invoices to the vet.

Send Pet Owner invoices to the owners.


Create additional cases

Need to create another case right away?

Use the Create another case checkbox at the bottom of the case creation pop-up to create another case right after this one is saved.

use the create another case checkbox to create another case as soon as this current one is saved


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