File an FDLIC Claim
Use Passare's FDLIC integration to submit a claim directly into Online Access.
On your Case Listing, visit the FDLIC case.
Reference the Case Origin column to see which cases originated from FDLIC.
OR filter cases by following the steps in this article.
Select the Funeral Directors Life Policy page.
If you do not have an Online Access login, select Register Now or contact the Help Center at (800) 692-5125 or
Once logged in, select DIGiclaim on the left-hand side.
From the DIGiclaim Dashboard, select Submit a Death Claim.
Complete the following fields:
- Enter Your Name as the funeral home representative.
- Enter the last name, first name or contract number of the insured whose death you are reporting.
After entering the information, wait a few seconds for the drop-down to appear.
- Select the contract number of the deceased from the drop-down box, and the Name of Insured, Policy Number and Social Security of Insured will automatically populate.
- Enter the Date of Death. When you click in the blank, a calendar will appear simply choose the date.
Click Submit if this is the only claim you are submitting.
If you need to submit multiple claims at one time, click Submit and add another.
After submitting, you'll see the new claim under Waiting on Signatures (or Waiting on Documents for Texas) on the DIGiclaim dashboard.
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