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funeralOne website integration

Sync your funeralOne website with Passare to simplify your case management.

    ✋ Contact us to get this integration enabled! Send us an email at or call (800) 692-5111!

    Once enabled, you'll be able to send information from Passare to funeralOne using the Sync button under right-hand sidebar.

    What is funeralOne?

    funeralOne is a funeral care solution for the death care industry that helps with tribute books, website design and strategy, tribute video creation, memorial websites, recording, and social media management. From their site:

    Committed to delivering innovation, funeralOne collaborates with its clients to help them reach their full market potential. With deep industry expertise, broad resources and a proven track record, funeralOne can mobilize the right people, skills, and technologies to help clients reach their customers in new ways.

    For more information, check out their website at

    Helpful Tips

    ✔️ Information from the Vital Statistics Page, Obituary Page and Funeral Options Page will be sent to funeralOne when you Sync.

    ✔️ Any info updated after the Sync will not be shared with funeralOne until your next Sync.

    ✔️ Only events that are marked as Public on the Funeral Options page will be shared with funeralOne.

    Memorial service page

    ✔️ The Disposition type will only be sent if it is Burial or Entombment. 

    ✔️ From the Obituary page, only photos in the .jpeg format will sync over to funeralOne. 

    ✔️ While writing the obituary, Passare will send the following default text as the obituary:

    "[Name] passed away on March 1, 2019.  [Name]'s loved ones are composing [Names]'s obituary, which you will be able to read here."

    ✔️ The full obituary will be sent to funeralOne when the Lock Obituary on the left sidebar under Planning Center is checked.

    ✨See a full list of information sent to funeralOne HERE.


    Need help? Email us at or call (800) 692-5111!