Automate contract signing and printing
Print & sign your contracts in a single flow directly from the Goods & Services page. You can also print draft contracts!
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Don't see this feature? Check your Roles & Permissions settings or contact your Passare Admin to get it turned on.
Print and sign
Enable this feature by going to Admin > Documents > Select your Contract.
When Contract Form is checked, you can select either:
- Allow Printing without Signing
- Require Signing when Printing
In addition, you can select Allow Printing a Draft (watermark) with either option to print a watermarked draft that does not require signatures.
Once the feature is enabled, you can perform the following functions on the Goods & Services page.
Allow printing without signing
On the Goods & Services page, find the Sign section.
You'll see the options to Print, Print and Sign, and Print Draft.
If changes are made after signing, the Print and Sign button will change to Print and Resign.
With this option, the contract will NOT be displayed on the Standard Form Sidebar or on the Documents page within a case.
Require signing with printing
This eliminates having to sign the contract, then print from the case sidebar -- do it all at once!
If changes are made after signing, the Print and Sign button will change to Print and Resign.
With this option, the contract will NOT be displayed on the Standard Form Sidebar or on the Documents page within a case.
Need help? Email us at or call (800) 692-5111.