Create a Package

Tired of individually adding each item to the contract? Use packages to add multiple items at once.


Don't see this feature? Check your Roles & Permissions settings or contact your Passare Admin to get it turned on.

Creating a Package:

To create a package, go to Admin > Price Lists.

select Price Lists from Admin tab dropdown


In the top-right corner, select Add an Item > Package.

Keep in mind: the items you add to a package will need to already be in your Price List in Passare.

select Package from Add an Item button


Under Package Details, add a Package Name (this is the only required field in this section).

add Name in Package Details section


Under Product Categorization, for the Category, select Packages.

For Goods and Services Section, select Funeral Home Charges.

You'll always leave the rest of the fields in this section blank unless the package only needs to appear in a certain branch, then select the branch from the drop-down.

Product Categorization section


Now you're ready to add items to the package.

Select Add an Item (you can add as many items as you need).

Add an Item button in Package Includes section


From here, select the Category and Item.

When you select the category, it will load all of the options available.

gif showing the selection of Category and Item


If an item is discretionary, meaning the price and amount can be edited, you can change the price or amount for the package.

you can change the price or amount for discretionary items


Once you've added everything you need, you'll see the Package Total at the bottom of the section.

If the total is too high, you can add a Package Discount and edit the amount (always add as a negative amount).

add Package Discount if Package Total is too high


To remove an item,  select the next to the item.

You can also drag and drop the items so they appear in a specific order on the contract.

gif showing drag and drop, select "X" icon to remove an item


We recommend checking the box for Show Item in Quick Adds under Visibility. This will make it easier to find when adding to the contract.  

You can also select the Case and Disposition Types the package will appear on.In Visibility section, check Show Item in Quick Adds box

Make sure to Save!


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