Create a trade case

Use Trade Cases to keep track of trade work, including embalming, removals, and cremations.

Create a trade case

To get started, select Create > Trade Case.

Select the Trade Business you're using from the drop-down

Similar to At-Need, the First and Last Name are required. Create!


using the trade case pop-up, choose the trade business you want to work from and complete the first and last name fields


If the business is not available, you can add it to your Rolodex.

Select the + sign.

add to the rolodex by selecting the blue plus sign button

Add the Business Name and Save.

Check the box to Save to Organization Rolodex if this is a business you'll use again.

Add Rolodex entry fields

Add goods and services

If your funeral home is the one providing the trade services, you can add Goods & Services to the contract.

Goods & Services page


Make sure to Sign so the transaction will appear on your accounting reports.

Sign section


The Payments will be the same as At-Need except the funeral home (or trade business) will be the Purchaser.  Primary Purchaser field


If the Business does not appear in the drop-down, go to Admin > Rolodex > Find the Trade Business.

select Rolodex from Admin drop-down


Check the box for Purchaser/Payer and Save.

The business will now appear in the Purchaser drop-down.

Continue filling out any additional information.

Be sure to Save when finished.

Need more information?:

Create a Trade Case in the Passare App


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