Use Trade Cases to keep track of trade work, including embalming, removals, and cremations.
Create a trade case
To get started, select Create > Trade Case.
Select the Trade Business you're using from the drop-down
Similar to At-Need, the First and Last Name are required. Create!
If the business is not available, you can add it to your Rolodex.
Select the + sign.
Add the Business Name and Save.
Check the box to Save to Organization Rolodex if this is a business you'll use again.
Add goods and services
If your funeral home is the one providing the trade services, you can add Goods & Services to the contract.
Make sure to Sign so the transaction will appear on your accounting reports.
The Payments will be the same as At-Need except the funeral home (or trade business) will be the Purchaser.
If the Business does not appear in the drop-down, go to Admin > Rolodex > Find the Trade Business.
Check the box for Purchaser/Payer and Save.
The business will now appear in the Purchaser drop-down.
Continue filling out any additional information.
Be sure to Save when finished.
Need more information?:
Create a Trade Case in the Passare App
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