Getting started with Inventory

Manage inventory from one central place, even across multiple locations.

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✋ Inventory requires setup. 

Email us at or call (800) 692-5111 to get started!

After Support completes your Inventory setup, you must configure locations and items. 👇

Configure inventory locations and items

Specify which places your inventory will be stored (Funeral Home, Warehouse, Showroom, etc.) and indicate which price list items will be inventoried.

Setup inventory locations

First go to Settings > Price list > Inventory.

inventory settings

Scroll down to Inventory Locations and click Add New.

inventory locations add new button

Add location name and details, then click Add Location.

If there are multiple organizations, this will need to be done on each child organization, as well as the parent organization.

add inventory location modal

Indicate which items are inventoried

Go to Settings > Price list > Price list items.

price list items settings

Select an item, then scroll down to Inventory.

Turn On the toggled labelled Item is inventoried.

Indicate whether Passare should:

  1. Require Serial Numbers for this item
  2. Auto Generate Serial Numbers
  3. Require Item to be Pulled from Inventory

inventory price list item settings

You can NOT disable this setting once inventory items are marked as On Hand, Assigned, or Pending.

Set the Minimum Quantity to determine when "low inventory" notifications are sent.

set minimum quantity

Manage inventory

Go to Financials > Inventory.

Financials > Inventory

From the Inventory page, you can:

  • Add Inventory
  • Edit Inventory
  • Filter Inventory
  • Transfer/Remove Inventory
  • View Pending Review Inventory

We'll take a deeper dive into each one!

Inventory Management page

First, configure your columns by selecting the icon.

Drag and drop the columns in your preferred order.

Select Save.

Configure Columns

Add Inventory

Select Add Inventory from the Inventory Management page.

Add Inventory fields

This is where you can quickly add your inventoried items.

The following field dropdowns are populated from info in the price list. 

  • Item Name
  • Location
  • Cost
  • Minimum Quantity
  • Category

Add Inventory fields from Price List

The following fields on Add Inventory are required:

  • Ordered From
  • Item Name
  • Date Added - *will default to the current date
  • Location
  • Quantity

Required Add Inventory fields

Next, select Add Inventory. Repeat the above steps to add additional inventory items. 

Edit Inventory

From the Inventory page, you can select Edit Inventory.

Change/update fields as needed and Save.

Edit Inventory button

Item name, category, and status fields cannot be edited.

Filter Inventory

Utilize the Filter Inventory button to customize your inventory views.

Filter by the following items:

  • Item Name
  • Location
  • Category
  • Status
  • Date Added

Select Show in New Tab to save the filters for future use.

Save New Tab name.

Filter Inventory options

If the user has access to multiple organizations, the saved filter tab will only be visible in the organization in which the filter was created.

Remove/Transfer Inventory

If you select the icon on the Inventory Management page, the Remove Inventory page will open.

You'll be required to fill out Date Removed, Removal Reason and Sold/Transferred To fields.

Select Remove.

Remove Inventory required fields

You will only be able to see the 'Transferred to' field if the removal reason is 'Transferred to Funeral Home.'


View Pending Review Inventory

When inventory is transferred from one organization to another, the inventoried item will show on the Pending Review tab with a Pending Status.

It will no longer appear in the All Inventory tab.

This tab is only visible when 'Enable inventory transfers between organizations' is turned on under Admin > Price list > Inventory.

Click Cancel Transfer to place inventory item back in the originating organization's inventory.

Cancel Transfer button

The receiving organization will have a Review button on their Pending Review tab.

Review button

The Review button will bring up a Remove Inventory list where the following fields can be edited:

  • Item Name
  • Location
  • Cost
  • Serial Number
  • Notes

Remove Inventory pop-up

The receiving organization can choose to Accept or Reject the inventory.

When the inventory is Accepted, the inventory is removed from the Pending Review tab and moved to the All Inventory tab of the receiving organization.

If the item is Rejected, the inventory is removed from the Pending Review tab of the receiving organization and placed back in the All Inventory tab of the sending organization.

Transfer Notifications

You can receive notifications related to inventory transfers by turning on Notifications.

To do this, go to Admin > Price List > Inventory.

Select Yes under the Enable inventory transfers between organizations setting.

Enable inventory transfers between organizations setting

You'll receive three different types of notifications:

  • Incoming Inventory 
  • Accepted Inventory 
  • Rejected Inventory

When you receive the notification, click on it to review inventory.

If you accept the item, you'll be required to fill out Item name and Location fields.

Cost and Serial Number are optional fields.

Select Accept Item.

Remove Inventory fields

If the receiving organization clicks Reject Item, the sending organization will receive a notification, and the item will be removed from the Pending tab of the receiving organization.

Item Removed Successfully notification

Need More Information?


Need Help? Email us at or call (800) 692-5111!