1. Passare Pro
  2. Planning Center

Upload files and photos to Planning Center

Share all the files and photos you need back and forth with the family through Planning Center.

Share files in Passare

Select files in the decedents case to Show in Planning Center for the family to view.

Or select Get Signatures for the family to sign documents in Planning Center.

icons for "Get Signatures" and "Show in Planning Center" on Templates page


Share files and photos in Planning Center

Have the family add files or photos to use during the service. Any files or photos they add will show under Case Files in the decedent's case.

Add files or photos

Add files & photos section

Select files and photos or drag and drop straight from your desktop.

select files and photos button or drag and drop from desktop

Sort by file name, file type, or the person who uploaded the files. 

Sorting and filtering fields in Add files & photos


Rename or delete files.

pencil icon for Rename and trash can icon for Delete


Need more information?


Need help? Email us at support@passare.com or call 1-800-692-5111.