Parting Pro integration
How information is synced to Passare using the Parting Pro integation.
Case information synced to Passare
When a customer syncs information from Parting Pro, it will appear in it's respective areas of Passare.
✋ Before getting started, Parting Pro customers must first fill out this form to receive their Passare API key.
Case Notes
When a Parting Pro case gets created in Passare, a new note will be added to the Notes page of the case in Passare. The note will include a link to the case in Parting Pro, case creation date, case manager, and place of death.
Other notes created in Parting Pro will also appear in the notes section in Passare.
Goods & Services
We do not recommend integrating the Price List Item ID, as it may cause confusion while handling financial data from Parting Pro.
If Passare customers choose not to add their price list item ID to the integration contract, totals from Parting Pro will not appear on the Goods & Services or Payments & Adjustments page.
If the Price list item ID is configured, the total contract balance will sync to the case's Goods & Services page in Passare but won't display line items. Itemized receipts from Parting Pro will appear in the Case Files section.
Payments & Adjustments
The contract total from Parting Pro will also appear on the Payments & Adjustments page as a balance forward. This total will be displayed regardless of whether the contract has been paid.
Case Files
Documents from Parting Pro will sync to the Case Files section in Passare. Receipts for paid invoices and statements of funeral goods & services in Parting Pro will be here.