Sign at-need and cash sale contracts

For the goods and services to show on your accounting and revenue reports, all at-need and cash sale cases need to be signed.

Signing cases

Once the goods and services have been added to a contract, and the family has approved, go to the Goods & Services section in the case, and scroll down to where it says Sign.

Sign section on Goods & Services page under Financials


Before you sign the case in Passare, you should be certain that there won't be anymore changes. It's possible to make changes, but you'll have to save as resigned, and this can cause confusion with reporting and accounting. 

Once you're confident no more changes will be made, select Yes under the sign section.

Be sure to Save!

select Yes under Sign


If the signing date should not be Today, uncheck the box.

This will let you choose the date and time you'd like the case to be marked as signed.

This could be because you want the goods and services to show up on a different monthly report. 

Signing Date fields


Once saved, there will be a transaction showing that the case was signed, and who it was signed by.

Save as resigned

If there are any additions or changes made to the goods and services, the case will need to be Saved as Resigned.

Again, you can uncheck the box for Today, and select the day and time you would like the case to be marked as resigned.

uncheck the box for Today, change date, click button for Save as Resigned


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