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List of system report descriptions

Below is a list of all of Passare's System Reports and what they're used for.

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    Report Descriptions

    Accounts Receivables by Director

    This report contains a list of cases with an outstanding balance on contracts that have been signed. This report is grouped by the funeral director and sorted by age in ascending order.

    Accounts Receivable Aged

    This report contains a list of cases with an outstanding balance on contracts that have been signed, sorted by age in descending order.

    At-Need Family

    This report contains a list of the Family & Friends that are still living, separated by each At-Need case, including their contact information and relationship to the decedent.

    Case Count

    This report contains a list of the total number of cases created in the system. Data is grouped by branch and includes case count per case status. 

    Case Count by Director per Branch

    Displays the number of cases for each director, grouped by branch.


    This report contains a list of decedent addresses and zip codes, including how many cases have used that zip code, for cases created within the specified date range.

    Client Service Types

    This report contains a breakdown of how many cases have been set with a particular Client Service Type, with contracts that have been originally signed within the date range specified.

    Daily Schedule of Services

    This report contains what services have been scheduled, separated by day, for the time period selected, including details associated with the service.

    Deceased List

    This report contains a list of all the cases in Passare where the client’s date of death is within the date range specified, including informant and primary purchaser information for the case.

    Detailed Items Sold

    This report contains a list of all the items that have been added to the contract, signed within the date range, separated by case, with associated pricing information including the price, cost, tax, and total.

    Detailed Sales

    This report contains a list of all items that have been added to the contract, signed within the date range specified, separated by Branch and case, with the price and cost of each item.

    General Cases

    This report contains a general overview of all cases that have been created.

    General Sales

    This report displays rows for any cases with dates that fall within the date range of the report. The main report columns will contain signed and unsigned contract totals, broken down by survey category.

    Items Sold

    This report contains a list of items that have been added to a signed contract, organized by category, showing the quantity, sum, average, and category percentage of an item sold within the date range specified. This will pull all invoice items from cases in the report, even if those invoices were signed outside of the reporting range.

    Non-Exported Contracts

    This report contains a list of cases that have contracts that have been signed and sent to accounting but have not been exported within the date range of the report.

    Non-Exported Payments

    This report contains a list of cases with payments that have been signed and sent to accounting but have not been exported within the date range of the report.

    Open Cases

    This report contains a list of cases that were created within the date range specified but have contracts that are not signed.

    Payments and Adjustments

    This report contains a list of payments and adjustments that have been added to cases within the date range specified and sorted by branch.

    Planning Center Cases

    This report contains a list of cases with Planning Center activity within the date range specified, sorted by date of invite in ascending order.

    Planning Center Usage

    This report contains a list of Planning Center updates that have been made within the date range specified, sorted by case identifier and date of edit in descending order.

    Pre-Need Leads from At-Need Families

    This report contains a list of informants from at-need cases, within the date range specified.

    Pre-Need to At-Need Cases

    This report contains a list of cases that were converted from pre-need to at-need, with a date of death within the date range specified, grouped by branch.

    Recap of Client Service Types

    This report allows you to compare two date ranges that contain the revenue per client service type, with and without discounts.

    Recap of Case Count and Revenue by Director

    This report allows you to compare two date ranges that contain the case count and revenue per director. It will also show you the revenue and average revenue difference between the two date ranges.

    Recap of Average Revenue by Client Service Type

    This report will allow you to compare the average revenue across two date ranges. It will also show you the difference in average revenue with and without discounts or adjustments applied, the average discount/adjustment, and the case count
    per Client Service type.

    Sales and Cost by Category

    This report shows all signed contract totals, cost totals, and tax totals that occurred during the reporting range, broken down by survey category.

    Sales Tax Report

    This report shows signed contract totals, broken down by specific categories, along with tax totals, broken down by tax rate. Unsigned items will not be included. This report will only pull signed cases that were signed within the report's date range.

    Survey Report

    This report shows basic case contact information and revenue totals per SFG category, within the specified date range. It also includes what branch the case is associated with and the date of the initial contract. 

    Survey Client Service Type

    This report shows the organization's total at-need case count per client service type, including what percentage of the total number of cases were attributed to each client service type.

    Survey Deceased List

    This report contains a list of all cases in Passare where the client’s date of death is within the date range specified, including informant and primary purchaser information for that case.

    Unfinished Contract Report

    This report contains a list of cases that have contracts that have never been signed, with information about the last day and time the contract was edited.


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