Getting started with Financials: Accounts 🎬

Make Passare your one source for tracking account balances. With Accounts, you can quickly see your bank balance and transactions in one convenient place.

✋ Account Balances requires some set up. Want this feature turned on? Email us at or call 1-800-692-5111.




Now that the feature is turned on, let's check out the Accounts page layout.

Go to System > Financials > Accounts.

From this page you can:

  • Configure your columns
  • Filter your transactions
  • Download a CSV file.

Configure your columns:

Select the icon to organize your column preference.

Drag and drop the arrows to change the order of the columns.


Configure Columns pop-up box

Filter your transactions:

Select Filter.

Filter transactions by Transaction Type and/or Transaction Date > Show in New Tab.

Filter button

Similar to the Case Listing, you can Save your filter as a tab..

Name the Tab and Save.

Download CSV file:

Quickly report on transactions by downloading a CSV file.

Select the icon.

An Excel file will download to your computer.

File icon

Manage your Accounts Page:

The Current Balance seen on the Accounts Page is impacted by three transactions:

  • Batch Deposits
  • Check Writing
  • Bank Transactions

Accounts page

Batch Deposits:

Processed Deposits will increase the Current Balance of the bank account.


Check out Batch Deposits for more information on how to use the feature.

Check Writing:

When a check is created and printed, the Current Balance will decrease by the check amount.

If a check is printed and then voided, the Current Balance will first be decreased by the check amount and then increased by the voided amount.


Bank Transactions:

Bank Transactions are a part of the set up under Admin > Accounting > Transactions.

Checks and Batch Deposits are READ-only entries on the Accounts page. Bank transactions are the only items that can be edited on this page.

To add a transaction, go to Add Bank Transaction Type.

Select either Add Funds/ Remove Funds or one of the Transaction types.

Add Transaction button


The following fields are required:

  • Location
  • Amount
  • Debit Account/Credit Account
  • Date

Add Funds fields



Once a Bank Transaction is saved, you can DELETE it by selecting the icon.

You can only EDIT the Notes section on a saved Bank Transaction select the icon.


The best way to report on information from the Accounts Page is to Filter the information and then download as a CSV.

Filter Transactions button


The Bank Transactions for each bank account will be able to be exported from all accounting report types. 

Except the Current Balance will not be exported.


Need More Information?:


Need Help? Email us at or call 1-800-692-5111!