Tribute Tech website integration
Sync your Tribute Tech website and Tribute Center with Passare to simplify your case management.
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✋ Contact us to get this integration enabled!
Send us an email at or call (800) 692-5111!
Once enabled, you'll be able to easily send information from Passare to Tribute Tech.
On the right-hand column under the Case Information sidebar, you'll see your available integrations.
Frazer's Tribute Center setup
Connect Tribute Center to Passare to simplify your uploads and memorial printing.
Login to Tribute Center
Open a Tribute
Once you have opened a Tribute, click Settings
Click Website
Enter your website credentials:
After entering your credentials, click Connect
If you have previously connected a website, click Disconnect and enter your current credentials. Then, click Connect.
You should now see a green circle with the words You are connected.
Once setup is complete, close and re-open Tribute Center.
Now, the latest case data you Sync in Passare will appear in Tribute Center!
Each time you add or change data in Passare, you will need to close and re-open Tribute Center to sync the most recent data.
The following Event types will be converted to Tribute Tech Service types upon syncing (all other Passare event types will not be synced with Tribute Center):
Passare Event | Frazer Service |
Other | Service |
Crematory | Service |
Funeral Service | Funeral Ceremony |
Mass | Funeral Ceremony |
Public Viewing | Visitation (accepts two visitations) |
Graveside Service | Graveside |
Cryptside Service | Graveside |
Memorial Service | Memorial |
Helpful tips
✔️ First Name, Last Name, Place of Birth (City & State), Date of Death, and Place of Death (City & State) are required fields on the Vital Statistics page for the sync to occur successfully.
✔️ If you have any Events listed in Passare, you must also have Event Type, Start Date & Time, End Date & Time, Location, Address, and Primary Phone fully populated in order for the sync to occur successfully.
✔️ Family & Friends with the role of Pallbearer and Next of Kin will be sent to Tribute Tech (or Tribute Center) as well as Family & Friends with the relationship of Father, Mother, Spouse or Informant.
✔️ Only events that are noted as Public on the Funeral Options page are shared.
✔️ While writing the obituary, Passare will send the following default text as the obituary:
[Name] passed away on January 1, 2024. [Name]'s loved ones are composing [Names]'s obituary, which you will be able to read here.
✔️ The full obituary will be sent to Tribute Tech when the Lock Obituary on the left sidebar under Planning Center is checked.
See a full list of information shared with Tribute Tech HERE.
Need help? Email us at or call (800) 692-5111!
If you need assistance with your Tribute Tech website or Tribute Center, call (844) 200-6020.