Find unsigned cases

Unsigned cases impact multiple reporting and accounting functions. Correct financial data is completely dependent on signing cases in Passare.

View unsigned cases on the case listing page

On the Dashboard page

Select the Settings Gear Icon, .

Settings gear icon on Dashboard page under Case Listing tab


Search for Has unsigned changes and drag and drop to add as a column.


in Configure Columns pop-up, search "Has unsigned changes" in search bar. drag and drop to add to columns. Click Save button


Note: You can arrange the columns in any order you'd like by dragging the arrows up or down. Top to bottom will show left to right on the Case Listing page.


Cases that need to be signed for the first time or that have unsigned changes will have an orange warning icon, .

orange warning icon for unsigned cases or changes


View unsigned cases on a case listing tab

From the Case Listing, select Filter Cases.


filter cases button under Case Listing tab in Dashboard


Next, select At-Need and Cash Sale from the Any Case drop-down.

select At-Need cases and Cash Sale cases boxes from the Any Case dropdown in "Show Cases Where" pop-up window


Scroll down and select Missing Signing from the Signing drop-down, then select Show In A New Tab.

select Missing Signing from Signing dropdown. then, select Show in a New Tab button


This will take you back to the Case Listing

Save the tab, and name it Unsigned Cases.


Save the tab as "Unsigned Cases" and click save button


You can now select the Unsigned Cases tab to see which cases have not been signed.

the created Unsigned Cases tab in Case Listing


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