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Create a batch form

Generate a document for multiple cases in just a few clicks.

    Set up the form

    To begin, click the Admin icon and go to Documents > Templates.

    Admin iconDocuments > Templates

    Select the form you'd like to generate in batch.

    Under Batch Form Type, select the option: Duplicate the entire form for each case.

    Batch form type settings

    Repeat this step for any documents you'd like to generate in batch.

    Run the batch form

    Go to Reports > Batch Forms.

    Reports > Batch forms

    Select the form you set up for batch.

    Choose a form

    Choose a sort type to determine the order of each document displayed in the downloaded file.

    Select sort type

    Next, select which filters you'd like to apply to the batch.

    Any case that fits these criteria will get a form generated.

    Filters section of form
    Filter Tips:

    💡 The Date Range filter is based on Date to Filter On

    For example, if you select Date to Filter On: 'Death Date' and Date Range: 'Past Month', it will generate a form for each case whose date of death is from the previous month.

    💡 Due Date pertains to invoices.

    For example, if you want to see all invoices that are 30 days past due, just select '30' here.
    Be sure to have the Due By date selected on the Payments & Adjustments page of each case!

    💡 Outstanding Balance can also be helpful for invoices.

    For example, if you select 'yes' and 'positive', you can generate an invoice for each case that owes money. Alternatively, selecting 'negative' would show you any case that needs a refund.

    Run and download

    Click Save Configuration if you'd like these batch settings to be saved for future use.

    Saved configurations can be especially helpful if you are running batch forms regularly, similar to monthly invoices.

    Saved Configurations under Batch Forms

    Once you've selected all your filters, click Run Batch Forms.

    Run batch forms under delivery method

    Then go to Reports > Download Center from the main menu.

    As the batch is downloading, it'll show up in the In-Queue section and Ready for Download when it's ready.

    From there, you can download, save, or email the batch.

    Ready for Download and In-Queue section in Download Center

    Need more information?


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