Send and receive notes in Passare Mobile

Stay connected with your team on the go with Passare Mobile notes & notifications.

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Create a note

To write a note, first select the case.

Select a case from mobile Case Listing


Click the + icon in the top right and select Note.

Select + icon inside a case, then select "Note"


Type in the title and note text that you'd like to post in the case. 

Type in the note title and text


If you want to notify someone else in your note, use the @mention feature.

Just type @their name, select their user, and they will be notified once you save the note.

Type @name to mention a user in the note


You can also mark as important, which highlights the note for all users.

Toggle on 'Mark as important' to emphasize this note

Note marked as important


If you want to view all notes in a case, just visit the Notes tab in the case.

Notes tab in a mobile case


Edit or delete a note

To edit or delete a note, select the pencil icon next to that note.

Edit icon on a note

💭 Remember... you can only edit or delete a note you created.


In the editing view, you can make any changes to the note and Save.

To delete the note altogether, click Delete at the bottom of this screen.

Edit view of note with delete option


A confirmation message will appear. Click Delete to permanently remove the note.

Delete note confirmation

⚠️ Heads up! Deleting a note will delete its comments as well.


Comment on a note

To leave a comment, click Add a comment or View comments. 

Add comment link on mobile note

View comments link on mobile note


Type in your comment and click send.

Type in comment text, click send

💡 Pro tip: You can also @mention users in comments!


Note notifications

Receive notifications about note activity in-app and via push notifications.
You will be notified if:

  • Someone comments on a note you created
  • Someone @mentions you or your role in a comment or note

In-app notifications

To see your notifications in the app, tap the bell icon in the bottom navigation of the Case Listing. 

An orange dot on the bell icon indicates there are new notifications.

Notifications tab in bottom navigation


This page will show notifications in order of newest to oldest. It will indicate unread notifications with an orange dot and @mentions with orange text.

Notifications page showing unread notifications and mentions

To see the full note, tap on the notification to view the case and note/comment that it is referencing. 


Push notifications

You can also receive notifications directly to your phone by enabling push notifications.

To do this, click on your user profile in the top left corner and select Notifications.

Select profile picture and select Notifications hj  jg


Toggle on what activity you would like to receive push notifications for.

Push notifications toggle settings

With this enabled, you will be notified in real time when someone interacts with you in Notes.

Push notification of note mention


Need more information?


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