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Obituary page

Craft an obituary in Passare, then have families review it in Planning Center or sync to your website.

Write an obituary

Under Arrangement, go to Obituary.

Obituary page in case menu


There are a few ways to write the obituary in Passare:

  1. Free type
  2. Obituary template
  3. AI Obituary Writer
  4. Collaborate in Planning Center


Free type

To craft an obituary by hand, simply type into the text field.

Use style options like bold, italics, bullets, and more to customize formatting.

Free type in obituary field

When you're done, click save.


Obituary template

Save time writing with a template. Templates create obituary text and auto-fill case details for you.

To get started, select the template you'd like to use from the Obituary template dropdown.

Obituary template selector


A message will appear asking if you'd like to add the new template text. This means that selecting a template will not wipe the existing obituary but will only add to the end of it.

Click Yes.

Arrest message for adding obituary text


If the case is missing information, your template will show what's missing in brackets [ ]. 

Either update the case and regenerate the template or manually edit in the text field.


Populated obituary with missing data

Learn how to create custom obituary templates.



AI Obituary Writer

Create unique obituaries quickly with the power of AI. To use this tool, click Generate AI Obituary.

Generate AI Obituary link


In Obituary types, select one or multiple tone(s).

Then add details and include instructions (such as word count, etc.) in the Obituary prompt field.

AI Obituary prompt fields


Once all details are added, click Preview.

Save the obituary to apply to the page or make adjustments to your prompt and regenerate.

Learn more about our AI Obituary Writer.


Collaborate in Planning Center

Get the family involved in writing the obituary! Once family members are invited to the Planning Center, they can use the same templates or free type an obituary. 

Planning Center view of Obituary


Active users on the Obituary page of Planning Center or Passare will appear as a Collaborator, and you can see their edits in live time!

Collaborators chip on Obituary page


Once the obituary is sent to the newspaper, lock the obituary to prevent last-minute edits.

To do this, check the box next to Obituary in the case sidebar and save.

Lock obituary checkbox


When the family approves the obituary in the Planning Center, it will also lock.

Approve obituary button

Obituaries will only be locked for the family. Directors can still make edits and unlock the obituary at any time.


Obituary photo

Upload up to two obituary photos by clicking Upload Photo on the left.

You can also Download any photo already uploaded by family or other staff.

Upload and download obituary photo buttons


Memorial donations

If the family wants to raise donations, record the organization(s) in Memorial donations.

Choose an organization from the dropdown or use the plus icon to create a new one. Once the charity is selected, click Add.

Memorial Donations field

Pro tip: You can auto-populate memorial donations in the obituary or pull it on a report!


Email obituary

You can send the obituary to any business listed in your Contacts.

Once the obituary is finalized, add or select a business from the Email obituary dropdown.

Click Send.

Email Obituary field

The Obituary and Business email fields must be filled in before you can send the obituary.


Once sent, a history will appear showing the recipient, recipient email, sender name, and timestamp.

Email obituary history


You and the recipient will receive an email with the obituary text and photo.

The obituary will be sent from, but your contact email address will be listed in the email body.


Sync to your website

With the completed obituary in Passare, now you can sync to your funeral home website.

To sync, first lock the obituary and then click sync next to the integration name.

Tribute Tech sync button


Follow the links below to learn more about each of our website integrations:

BatesvilleCFSTribute TechFuneral InnovationsfuneralOneGemini GraphicsOutcompete MarketingMKJTukios


Need more information?

Need help? Email us at or call 1-800-692-5111.