Getting started with the Care Center

Through the Care Center, you'll be able to track the transportation of a decedent as well as the care and preparation of the body.

How to use the Care Center?

You can locate the Care Center by going to, System > Care Center.

Care Center in System drop-down


Or go to the Care Center within a case.

Care Center section within a case


Also, make sure Care Center Tracking is checked on the Case Information sidebar. Otherwise, the decedent will not appear in the Care Center dashboard.

Care Center Tracking checkbox in Case Information sidebar


Start by selecting the Preparation due date, time, and location.

Preparation Due fields in Decedent Information


Note: The decedent will only show in the Care Center Dashboard if the Preparation isn't complete. 


Add Decedent information, such as race, age, weight, and height.

You can also add the obituary photo. This is a great point of reference if multiple arrangers will be working on the body.   

Decedent information fields

Add photos to identify the decedent by clicking the Upload button in the Identification section

Image of arrow pointing to Upload button

Note: Identification photos added will only be visible on the Care Center pages. 
These will NOT be visible to the family. 

Photos added will be listed in the Identification section.

Image of example files in Identification section

Within the Care Center, you'll see all of the tabs where information can be added.

It's not all required, but we do suggest filling out as much as possible to get the most out of your reporting and forms.

The Care Center can also help legally protect you and your business by ensuring all applicable information is saved in one place and time-stamped for liability.

Care Center information tabs


This tab will include the First Call and Transfer Details.

Transfer tab


Add Personal Items Removed with Decedent, such as a wedding ring, necklace, etc. Select if they'll be Returned to the Family or Disposed of.

There's an option to print the Personal Items Record, for a list of all of the items and what to do with them. 

Then have someone sign when the items are returned to the family.

Personal Items Removed with Decedent options


Add all of the Pre-Embalming and Embalming Procedure details.

Use the Body Markings to indicate if the decedent has a tattoo, scar, or if an incision was made.

Click anywhere on the body to add a comment. 

Body Markings section


Dressing can be used to describe the outfit the decedent will be buried in.

Personal Items can be added here as well.

Dressing tab


Add additional pictures to show what the family would like the decedent's hair and makeup to look like.

Appearance tab


Add the Cremator for the case under Cremation Tracking > Cremation.

Choose from a list of Passare users or select Other to add your own.

Cremation information pop-up


Don't forget the additional Event details under Cremation Tracking.

gif showing Event details under cremation tracking


The merchandise will be pulled from the Goods & Services. If you haven't added any goods and services in the case, nothing will appear.

Merchandise tab


Also see, How to Setup Checklist & Merchandise for the Care Center.


The Tracking tab includes information from the Passare App.

Print tracking data screenshot

Note:  Print the Location Events History, Tracking ID History, or Personal Items by clicking on the printer icon.

See Getting Started with the Passare App and How to Create a Case on the Passare App

Notes and checklists

Add internal Notes and Checklists specific to the Care Center.

Notes and Checklists tabs

Need more information?


Need help? Email us at or call 1-800-692-5111.